In order to, find block size of a filesystem on Linux,
$ sudo tune2fs -l /dev/sda1 | grep -i 'block size'
Block size: 4096
$ echo "mitesh"> test && du test | awk '{print $1}' && rm -f test
Friday, June 26, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Editing Very Very Large File
Suppose we want to do changes in few lines in a very very large file. It is not possible to open such a big file(say size in GBs > RAM+Swap size) in a editor. Even sed/awk takes very long time, because they do pattern matching if mentioned on every line, otherwise, we can do one line editing with a line number. I have written a Perl Script to edit multiple lines independently. It uses sed commands to edit a line.
Format of Config file is:
Sample Run:
Format of Config file is:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# USAGE: ./ <config_file> <file_name> [overwrite}
# DESCRIPTION: Edit very[ very] large file
# OPTIONS: ---
# BUGS: ---
# NOTES: ---
# AUTHOR: Mitesh Singh Jat (mitesh), <mitesh[at]yahoo-inc[dot]com>
# VERSION: 1.0
# CREATED: Thursday 25 June 2009 02:32:37 IST IST
use strict;
use warnings;
if (@ARGV < 2)
print STDERR "$0: <config_file> <file_name> [overwrite]\n";
print STDERR "!!!Be careful while using [overwrite] option,\n";
print STDERR "because original file will be deleted.\n";
my $conf_file = $ARGV[0];
my $large_file = $ARGV[1];
my $overwrite = 0;
if (@ARGV >= 3 && $ARGV[2] eq "overwrite")
$overwrite = 1;
my $temp_file = `dirname $large_file`;
if ($temp_file eq "" || (!(-d $temp_file)))
print STDERR "$0: Cannot find dirname for temporary file.\n";
print STDERR "Please check path of file '$large_file'\n";
$temp_file = $temp_file . "/temp";
print "Temporary file is '$temp_file'\n";
## Read config file
print "Reading config file '$conf_file'\n";
open(CFH, "$conf_file") or die("Cannot read Config file '$conf_file'\n");
my $line;
my %lineno_sedcmd;
while ($line = <CFH>)
my ($lineno, $sedcmd) = split /:/, $line, 2;
if (defined($sedcmd))
$lineno_sedcmd{$lineno} = $sedcmd;
print "$lineno $lineno_sedcmd{$lineno}\n";
# Verifying sedcmd before running it;
# it gives a chance to reedit config file
my $cmd = "echo \"Mitesh Singh Jat\" | sed '$sedcmd' 1> /dev/null 2>&1";
if (!(system($cmd) == 0))
print STDERR "$0: sed command '$sedcmd' for line '$lineno'";
print STDERR "is having error. Please recheck with \$ man sed\n";
my @line_nos;
foreach (sort keys (%lineno_sedcmd))
push(@line_nos, $_);
## Open large file
open(LFH, "$large_file") or die("$0: Cannot open file '$large_file'");
## Temporary File
open(OFH, ">$temp_file") or die("$0: Cannot create temporary file '$temp_file'");
my $nline = 0;
my $i = 0;
my $end_idx = @line_nos - 1;
print "Processing...";
while ($line = <LFH>)
if ($line_nos[$i] == $nline) # now edit
++$i; # This config line is over
if ($i > $end_idx)
$i = $end_idx;
my $cmd = "echo \"$line\" | sed '$lineno_sedcmd{$nline}'";
#print "$cmd\n";
my $out_line = `$cmd`;
print OFH "$out_line";
print " $nline"; #sleep 1; # to see progress :)
print OFH "$line";
print "\n";
if ($overwrite == 0)
print "done\n";
## Overwite original file by deleting it and moving temp
print "Overwriting...\n";
my $cmd = "rm -f $large_file \&\& mv $temp_file $large_file";
print "$cmd\n";
system($cmd) == 0
or die("Problem in overwriting. '$cmd' failed: $?\n");
print "done\n";
Sample Run:
--(0 : 618)> ./
./ <config_file> <file_name> [overwrite]
!!!Be careful while using [overwrite] option,
because original file will be deleted.
--(255 : 619)> cat large_file.txt
Shree Ganeshay Namah
Shri Bharat Singh Jat
Smt Amita Jat
Mitesh Jat
Shikha Jat
Shilpa Jat
This is garbage line. Please delete it.
--(0 : 620)> cat large_file.conf
4:s/ / Singh /
--(0 : 621)> ./ large_file.conf large_file.txt
Temporary file is './temp'
Reading config file 'large_file.conf'
1 s/^.*$/!!&!!/
4 s/ / Singh /
7 /.*/d
Processing... 1 4 7
--(0 : 622)> cat ./temp
!!Shree Ganeshay Namah!!
Shri Bharat Singh Jat
Smt Amita Jat
Mitesh Singh Jat
Shikha Jat
Shilpa Jat
--(0 : 623)> ./ large_file.conf large_file.txt overwrite
Temporary file is './temp'
Reading config file 'large_file.conf'
1 s/^.*$/!!&!!/
4 s/ / Singh /
7 /.*/d
Processing... 1 4 7
rm -f large_file.txt && mv ./temp large_file.txt
--(0 : 624)> cat large_file.txt
!!Shree Ganeshay Namah!!
Shri Bharat Singh Jat
Smt Amita Jat
Mitesh Singh Jat
Shikha Jat
Shilpa Jat
--(0 : 625)>
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Web Access through Proxy Server by Terminal Applications
In many companies/Universities, the web access is granted through Proxy Server (Usually SQUID; hence port 3128).
There are many terminal applications (run on command line interface), which access Internet/Web. For example:
wget (to download file), ftp, lynx/links (to access website), apt/yum (to download and install package). If we are behind
proxy, these applications do not work. The easy solution is to set some shell environment variables, explained below:
For accessing web(lynx/links) using a non-authenticated proxy:
$ export http_proxy=""
Verify that the setting took place
$ echo $http_proxy
For accessing web(lynx/links) using a authenticated proxy:
$ export http_proxy=""
If you want the change to be permanent (there each time you open a terminal),
add the export line to .bashrc in your 'home' directory.
$ echo 'export http_proxy=""'″ >> ~/.bashrc
Secure HTTP (over SSL) access
$ export https_proxy=""
FTP access
$ export ftp_proxy=""
There are many terminal applications (run on command line interface), which access Internet/Web. For example:
wget (to download file), ftp, lynx/links (to access website), apt/yum (to download and install package). If we are behind
proxy, these applications do not work. The easy solution is to set some shell environment variables, explained below:
For accessing web(lynx/links) using a non-authenticated proxy:
$ export http_proxy=""
Verify that the setting took place
$ echo $http_proxy
For accessing web(lynx/links) using a authenticated proxy:
$ export http_proxy=""
If you want the change to be permanent (there each time you open a terminal),
add the export line to .bashrc in your 'home' directory.
$ echo 'export http_proxy=""'″ >> ~/.bashrc
Secure HTTP (over SSL) access
$ export https_proxy=""
FTP access
$ export ftp_proxy=""
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