Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Most CPU Using Processes

The following 1 line script prints the processes which are using CPU most of the time:

$ top -d 3600 -n 24 | awk '{arr[$13] += $10} END { for (x in arr) print x" \t"arr[x]; }' | sort -r -n -k2 > daily_stats

You can vary value of -d ---- and -n -- of top, to increase accuracy of
statistics. i.e. (delay) * (count) should be 86400 always for daily
for example:

$ top -d 1800 -n 48 | awk '{arr[$13] += $10} END { for (x in arr) print x" \t"arr[x]; }' | sort -r -n -k2 > daily_stats

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