If you are not connected to internet, then still you can install packages
from Debian Installer ISOs.
For example, if Debian 7.0 (Wheezy) ISOs are in directory
/media/FreeAgent GoFlex Drive/Softwares/Debian_7.0_Wheezy
directory and we want to mount these iso in
/mnt/Debian/ directory. The following command can be used:
$ sudo $(which mount_debian.pl) -d /mnt/Debian -g -r "/media/FreeAgent GoFlex Drive/Softwares/Debian_7.0_Wheezy"
Using iso(s) dir '/media/FreeAgent GoFlex Drive/Softwares/Debian_7.0_Wheezy'
Using mount point dir '/mnt/Debian'
Total 11 iso(s) mounted successfully.
Unmounting of the iso(s) can be achieved by the following command:
$ sudo $(which mount_debian.pl) -d /mnt/Debian -u -g -r
Running: umount "/mnt/Debian"/*.iso
Running: rmdir "/mnt/Debian"/*.iso
Running: cp "/etc/apt/sources.list.net" "/etc/apt/sources.list"
Running: apt-get update
Usage of the command:
$ sudo $(which mount_debian.pl)
/home/mitesh/Perl/mount_debian.pl: Please provide Dir where Debian installer iso(s) are present.
USAGE: /home/mitesh/Perl/mount_debian.pl [options] iso_dir
-a apt_sources_dir default /etc/apt
-d mount_base_dir default /mnt/Debian
-g debug on
-r apt-get update
-u unmount
iso_dir Dir where Debian installer iso(s) are present.
PS: iso_dir is not required with -u command
mount_debian.sh perl script is given as follows:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# FILE: mount_debian.pl
# USAGE: ./mount_debian.pl
# OPTIONS: ---
# BUGS: ---
# NOTES: ---
# AUTHOR: Mitesh Singh Jat (mitesh)
# VERSION: 1.0
# CREATED: 11/07/2013 10:30:04 PM IST
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Std;
my $apt_sources_dir = "/etc/apt";
my $mount_point_base = "/mnt/Debian";
my $umount = 0;
my $reload = 0;
my $debug = 0;
sub usage()
print STDERR "USAGE: $0 [options] <iso_dir>\n";
print STDERR " -a <apt_sources_dir> apt sources dir: default $apt_sources_dir\n";
print STDERR " -d <mount_base_dir> mount point dir: default $mount_point_base\n";
print STDERR " -g debug on \n";
print STDERR " -r apt-get update \n";
print STDERR " -u unmount \n";
print STDERR " <iso_dir> Dir where Debian installer iso(s) are present.\n";
sub run_cmd()
my $cmd = $_[0];
print "Running: $cmd\n" if $debug;
my $retval = $?;
if ($retval != 0)
print STDERR "Error in running: $cmd\nExit code = $retval\n";
return ($retval);
sub run_cmd_get()
my $cmd = $_[0];
print "Running: $cmd\n" if $debug;
my @outs = `$cmd`;
my $retval = $?;
if ($retval < 0)
print STDERR "Error in running: $cmd\nExit code = $retval\n";
return (@outs);
sub take_backup()
my $file1 = $_[0];
my $file2 = $_[1];
my $cmd = "cp \"$file1\" \"$file2\"";
my $retval = &run_cmd("$cmd");
if ($retval != 0)
print STDERR "$0: Cannot copy \"$file1\" to \"$file2\"\n";
return 1;
sub reload_repo()
my $file1 = $_[0];
my $file2 = $_[1];
my $cmd = "cp \"$file1\" \"$file2\"";
my $retval = &run_cmd($cmd);
exit(-1) if ($retval != 0);
$cmd = "apt-get update";
$retval = &run_cmd($cmd);
exit(-1) if ($retval != 0);
my %opts;
getopt('a:d:', \%opts);
foreach my $opt (sort keys %opts)
if (!defined($opts{$opt}))
print STDERR "$0: Requires value for option '$opt'\n";
if ($opts{$opt} =~ m/^-/)
print STDERR "$0: Requires value for option '$opt'\n";
$apt_sources_dir = $opts{"a"} if (defined($opts{"a"}));
$mount_point_base = $opts{"d"} if (defined($opts{"d"}));
$debug = 1 if (defined($opts{"g"}));
$reload = 1 if (defined($opts{"r"}));
$umount = 1 if (defined($opts{"u"}));
my $apt_dvd = "$apt_sources_dir/sources.list.dvd";
my $apt_net = "$apt_sources_dir/sources.list.net";
my $apt_orig = "$apt_sources_dir/sources.list";
my $retval = 0;
my $cmd;
$retval = `whoami`;
unless ($retval eq "root")
print STDERR "$0: Please run this script as 'root' user.\n";
unless ($umount)
if (@ARGV != 1)
print STDERR "$0: Please provide Dir where Debian installer iso(s) are present.\n";
my $iso_dir = "$ARGV[0]";
## Check for iso dir presence
unless (-d "$iso_dir")
print STDERR "$0: Please make sure the iso(s) dir '$iso_dir' is present\n";
print "Using iso(s) dir '$iso_dir'\n" if ($debug);
## Check for destination dir
unless (-d "$mount_point_base")
$cmd = "mkdir -p \"$mount_point_base\"";
$retval = &run_cmd("$cmd");
if ($retval != 0)
print STDERR "$0: Cannot create dir '$mount_point_base'\n";
print "Using mount point dir '$mount_point_base'\n" if ($debug);
## Taking backup of ftp/http line sources.list
my $is_backed_up = 0;
if (-f "$apt_net")
## Take backup only when ftp / http (internet)
$cmd = "grep -v -e \"^#\" -e \"^\$\" \"$apt_orig\" | egrep -c \"(ftp|http)://\"";
my @nets = &run_cmd_get($cmd);
if ($nets[0] > 0)
$is_backed_up = &take_backup("$apt_orig", "$apt_net");
$is_backed_up = &take_backup("$apt_orig", "$apt_net");
## Get loop devices
$cmd = "ls /dev/loop[0-9]*";
my @temps = &run_cmd_get($cmd);
my %loop_devices;
my $nloop_devices = @temps;
foreach my $temp (@temps)
$loop_devices{$temp} = 1;
$cmd = "ls \"$iso_dir\" | grep -i \"\.iso\$\"";
@temps = &run_cmd_get($cmd);
my %iso_images;
my $niso_images = @temps;
foreach my $temp (@temps)
$iso_images{$temp} = 1;
$cmd = "df | awk '{print \$1}' | grep \"/dev/loop\"";
@temps = &run_cmd_get($cmd);
my %mounted_loop_devices;
my $nmounted_loop_devices = @temps;
foreach my $temp (@temps)
$mounted_loop_devices{$temp} = 1;
## Check for free loop devices
my $nfree_loops = $nloop_devices - $nmounted_loop_devices;
if ($niso_images > $nfree_loops)
print "Less available loop devices $nfree_loops than isos $niso_images\n" if ($debug);
my $req_loops = $niso_images - $nfree_loops;
if ($nmounted_loop_devices == 0)
print "Reloading loop kernel module with extra $req_loops loop devices\n" if $debug;
$cmd = "rmmod loop";
$retval = &run_cmd($cmd);
print "$retval\n";
exit(-1) if ($retval != 0);
$cmd = "modprobe loop max_loop=$niso_images";
$retval = &run_cmd($cmd);
exit(-1) if ($retval != 0);
print STDERR "Please reload 'loop' kernel module. After unloading following loop devices...\n";
foreach my $temp (sort keys %mounted_loop_devices)
print STDERR "$temp\n";
print STDERR "\nrmmod loop\n";
my $temp = $nmounted_loop_devices + $req_loops;
print STDERR "\nmodprobe loop max_loop=$temp\n\n";
## Create entries in sources.list file
open(SFH, ">$apt_orig") or die("$0: Cannot write in file '$apt_orig'\n");
foreach my $iso (sort keys %iso_images)
print "Mounting iso $iso ...\n" if $debug;
my $dest_dir = "$mount_point_base/$iso";
unless (-d "$dest_dir")
$cmd = "mkdir -p \"$dest_dir\"";
$retval = &run_cmd($cmd);
exit(-1) if ($retval != 0);
$cmd = "df \"$dest_dir\" | grep -c \"^/dev/loop.*\.iso\$\"";
my @mounts = &run_cmd_get($cmd);
if ($mounts[0] == 0) ## Mount only if not mounted
$cmd = "mount -o loop,ro \"$iso_dir/$iso\" \"$dest_dir\"";
$retval = &run_cmd($cmd);
exit(-1) if ($retval != 0);
## read distro version dir in dists/
$cmd = "ls -l \"$dest_dir/dists\" | grep \"^d\" | awk '{print \$(NF)}' | head -1";
my $version = `$cmd`;
if (defined($version) and ($version ne ""))
$cmd = "ls -l \"$dest_dir/dists\"/*/ | grep \"^d\" | sort -u | awk '{print \$(NF)}' | awk '{sec=sec\" \"\$1} END{print sec}'";
my $sections = `$cmd`;
if (defined($sections))
print SFH "deb file://$dest_dir $version $sections\n";
print SFH "\n## Automatically generated by $0 ##\n";
print "Total $niso_images iso(s) mounted successfully.\n" if $debug;
## Reload repository if sources.list is updated
if ($is_backed_up and $reload)
&reload_repo("$apt_orig", "$apt_dvd");
## umount code ##
$cmd = "umount \"$mount_point_base\"/*.iso";
$retval = &run_cmd($cmd);
exit(-1) if ($retval != 0);
$cmd = "rmdir \"$mount_point_base\"/*.iso";
$retval = &run_cmd($cmd);
exit(-1) if ($retval != 0);
if ($reload)
&reload_repo("$apt_net", "$apt_orig");
PS: The above script can be used with any Debian Package Management related distros like Ubuntu, Linux Mint, etc.