Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Newer Yahoo! Messenger Protocol on Pidgin on Debian Lenny 5.0

Yahoo! has changed authentication method of Yahoo! messenger protocol, which is not supported in Pidgin (Version <>= 2.5.7) supports newer Yahoo! Messenger Protocol. But Debian 5.0 Lenny repository has older pidgin (2.4.3). We can install newer pidgin, in the following steps:

## download latest pidgin from pidgin.im (at this time 2.6.3 is latest)
$ wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/pidgin/files/Pidgin/pidgin-2.6.3.tar.bz2

## extract files using tar
$ tar -zxvf pidgin-2.6.3.tar.bz2

$ cd pidgin-2.6.3

## Configure, Compile, and make
$ ./configure --disable-screensaver --disable-vv --disable-avahi --disable-tcl --disable-tk --prefix=/usr
$ make
$ sudo make install

Now you can use newer pidgin with newer Yahoo! Messenger. :)
Enjoy Yahoo!

Find Files Created Between 2 Times

In order to find files created between two times (start hour and end hour). The required hours are hours from current time. For example,

Current time = 2 PM = 14:00

If you want file created between 9 AM and 12 PM today, the start hour and end hour are:

Start Hour = (14 - 9) = 5
End Hour = (14 - 12) = 2

Hence required command is:

$ ./find_files_between_times.pl /path/to/dir 5 2

The Perl script which does this is given below:-

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# FILE: find_files_between_times.pl
# USAGE: ./find_files_between_times.pl <dir> <start_hour> <end_hour>
# OPTIONS: ---
# BUGS: ---
# NOTES: ---
# AUTHOR: Mitesh Singh Jat (mitesh), <mitesh[at]yahoo-inc[dot]com>
# COMPANY: Yahoo Inc, India
# VERSION: 1.0
# CREATED: 11/13/2009 10:00:02 PM IST

use strict;
use warnings;

if (@ARGV != 3)
print STDERR "Usage: $0 <dir> <start_hour> <end_hour>\n";

my $dir = $ARGV[0];
## Calculate current_hour - given_hour
#my $start_time = `/bin/date "+\%H"`;
my $start_time = $ARGV[1];
my $end_time = $ARGV[2];
$end_time = time - ($end_time * 60 * 60);
#$end_time = $start_time - $end_time;
#$start_time = $start_time - $ARGV[0];

if ($start_time > $end_time)
($start_time, $end_time) = ($end_time, $start_time);

my $cmd = "find $dir -ctime -$start_time";
print "Running $cmd\n";
my @files = `$cmd`;
foreach my $file (@files) # (`find $dir -ctime $start_time`)
my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,
= stat($file);

if ($ctime > $end_time)
print "$file\n";
